CACII 1381
National Provider Identification: 1962994269
CAQH Provider ID: 14137045
I am an experienced psycho-analytic psychotherapist, and supervising and teaching transactional analyst (with psychotherapy specialisation).
I am a professional registered counselor, and certified addictions counselor in the District of Columbia. I am accredited by and registered with the European Association for Psychotherapy (registration number 407584).
I hold Masters degrees in Transactional Analytic Psychotherapy (MIddlesex University) and Psychology (Open University), a Clinical Diploma in Transactional Analysis (Metanoia Institute) and a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (European Association for Psychotherapy).
European Certificate of Psychotherapy
Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy)
Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy)
Clinical Diploma (Transactional Analytic Psychotherapy) Metanoia Institute
MSc (TA Psych) Middlesex (distinction)
MSc (Psych) Open (distinction)
BSc (Psych) Open (first class with honours)